Hey love! It appears that you need to talk to me. There could be numerous reasons why you want to send me an email. Please review the FAQ's below so you can get the best answer to your question. If you can't find the answer to your amazing question, please send a detailed email to dearlovegal[@]! If you are inquiring about advice on your specific situation, please be aware that it is only one of me and I can't possibly respond to every single email as much as I would like to. Please forgive me in advance if I can't get around to your query. I love you and appreciate you though!
Q.) I purchased one of your guides but I didn't receive the link in my email. What can I do?
- Did you check your spam box and/or look for an email from 'SendOwl Downloads'? If so, there is a super duper high chance that you missed a letter or two or mistyped it on accident when you typed in your email address. It happens all of the time and that's okay! I've had numerous people double check and still miss something on their email because they're used to seeing it so much. Send me a detailed email to "dearlovegal[@]" and I will manually email it to you. No worries at all! Be sure to include your name, correct email address, and proof of purchase. Please allow up to 24 hours to get it sent to you again.
If you are 1000% sure you entered your email correctly, you can use the 'Order Retrieval' feature and get it resent to you automatically here.
Q. I bought one of your guides from my phone, how can I download it to my phone?
- It is recommended that you save it to an external app like iBooks, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, Kindle, Dropbox, etc. From your web browser, there should be an option to save it to one of those apps once you click on the link in your email. It's usually somewhere close to the navigation bar. You should be able to download it as well. If all else fails, send me a detailed email with your name and proof of purchase and I will manually send it to your email for easier access.
Q. I specifically need your help to get my ex back! Can you help me?!
- Honey-pie-sugar-foot, as much as I would like to, I get SO many emails like this and there isn't enough time in the day for me to help every single one of you. If you catch me at the right time, I may see your email and be able to get back to you. However, don't crucify me for being bombarded with emails like this lol. I would advise you to check out my guide on how to get your ex back. It's everything I know about the subject. You are a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for. You're just in panic mode. Stop panicking. It's not the end of the world. You should also check out my YouTube channel, I give all kinds of free advice on there.
Q. I want to support your website and YouTube channel with a little contribution. How can I do so?
- You're so sweet! I appreciate it so much! You can use my donate page here. It is sent to my Paypal account. You don't need a Paypal account to donate.
Q. I have a business inquiry. How can I get in contact with you?
Please use the form below and I will get back with you within 48 business hours.