Hey ladies! This is definitely one of my favorite subjects to talk about. You clicked on this blog post because you want to know how to get a man to commit to you. This may not be the advice that you want to hear but it will definitely give you clarity. I want you to read this article until the end so you can get a better understanding of how men work. I like to speak on this subject because I have been through the worst with men. I may only be 27 years old but I started dating young. I am also the type to analyze situations from the inside out. If you want to make a man commit then you should take the following into consideration.


How to Get a Man to Commit to You


A man will only commit to you when he’s good and ready, sis. It’s easier to get a man to commit when he’s on the same page as you. You may be dealing with a man that you love very much already. You want to take your relationship to the next level but it seems like he’s comfortable where you guys are.

There are two reasons a man won’t commit to you:

  1. He’s not convinced you’re the one. Please don’t think that you’re less than or not doing enough. A man knows deep in his gut if he will wife you or not. You can be the best cook, mom, maid, etc., but if he feels like you’re not the one then he won’t commit to you long term. He may have sold you a dream with his words but you have to look at his actions. If it’s been years and he still hasn’t committed then you should analyze your situation. Please note that your soul mate is out there waiting for you. If he is your soul mate then there would be no hesitation about committing to you.
  2. He’s not ready to be a one-woman man. Depending on his age and his upbringing, he may not be at the point where he can give his all to you. Once again, you’re amazing but there is no changing a man’s mind who isn’t ready. He has to get “it” out of his system. Now, if he’s 35+ and still playing games then you should let that go. I really wanted to say 30 but men mature slower than women. If you want a man who’s ready to commit then you should start with a man who’s ready to be an adult in a relationship.

What Won’t Make a Man Commit to You

  1. Threatening to leave.  That will only put a band-aid on the situation. Some men have a tendency to do enough for the moment at hand. His trying actions will only last so long. He may convince you not to leave but the problem will still linger when you’re dealing with someone who’s not ready to commit to you.
  2. Nagging and yelling. Raising your voice will only make him shut down. Trust me, he hears you. I know you’re upset because he isn’t making you feel like you want him to. You’re giving him your all but you’re not getting his all in return. Save your breath. You only have to say how you feel once, maybe twice. If nothing changes then you need to change your scenery and get what you deserve.


The One Thing That Makes a Good Man Commit to You


This one element will make any good man appreciate you and want to keep you around forever. Every man that is in need of a quality woman wants a woman’s support. You have to be his biggest supporter no matter what he’s doing. Now, I’m not saying that you should support illegal activities. If he wants to run an ice cream truck then you should scoop. A man will love you forever if he knows you’re on his side. He has the world on his shoulders and he needs someone in his corner to believe in him. Support is the answer to getting a man to commit. Men will either look at you as an asset or a liability. Which one are you? Assets bring things to the table while liabilities take things away.


If you want more information on how to get a man to commit and obsess over you, check out this informative video


The Love Gal