Will My Ex Come Back?

You may have been searching the internet for clues on if your ex will come back or not. Of course, there are many factors that go into getting your ex to come back. I will be going over all of that with you in this blog post. Breakups can be messy and you don’t know what the other person is thinking, unless they tell you. I will also give you some tips on how to increase the chances of getting your ex back.

Who Am I? Why am I giving you advice?

If this is your first encounter on this website, I am Amber with thelovegal.com. This website is dedicated to people like you who need help getting their ex back. I went from losing the love of my life to someone else, to having them fall deeply in love with me again in a short period of time. It was an emotional roller coaster to say the least. I’ve gotten so good at helping people get their ex back that I wrote a book on it. It’s called “Getting Back the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted”.

What are the chances of your ex coming back?

The chances of your ex coming back depends on how bad the breakup was and how real the love was on their end. If they didn’t feel the same way about you as you did about them, then the chances of them coming back are much smaller.

Do realize that just because they don’t feel the same way about you right now, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. When I lost my boyfriend, he told me that he wasn’t attracted to me anymore and the relationship wasn’t supposed to go as far as it did. He basically told me that the relationship ran its course. I was devastated because I loved him so much.

His feelings at the time didn’t stop me from loving him. I stayed patient. Later on, it came out that he was going through things mentally and his decisions didn’t have anything to do with me. He basically used me as an emotional punching bag.

I said all of that to say this, even the worst scenarios still could have life in them if the feelings are still there. Ex’s come back all the time for different reasons. Only time can tell if your ex is really over you or not.

How to increase your chances of getting them back

My best advice that I can give you on this matter is to “fall back” and not press the issue. Applying pressure on a burned relationship doesn’t make the situation better. It only makes things more painful. Take some time to work on yourself. Try practicing the no contact rule to start off your efforts in getting them back. This is the exact route I took and I received great results with the no-contact rule.

My Guide on How to Get Your Ex Back

How to get your ex back instruction manual

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